


NuvaRing is a little flexible vaginal ring that must be inserted into the vaginal canal to prevent conception. One NuvaRing lasts for three weeks, or until your period arrives. After menstruation, you must change the ring every month. It's also known as a vaginal ring, and it operates by releasing eggs from the ovaries. NuvaRing releases hormones that may cause you to become pregnant. Hormones are a type of substance that our bodies produce. It's where oestrogen and progesterone are stored. You can purchase NuvaRing for a low price if you place an online order.

Manufacturer: Zydus Healthcare

Availability: In Stock

Rating: ★★★★★★★★★★ 1 Reviews / Write a review

NuvaRing 0.12mg/0.015mg

No of Units Price / Unit Price Free Bonus  
2 Ring $50.00 $100.00 -
No of Units Price  
2 Ring - $100.00

How does NuvaRing works?

The hormones in the ring work by releasing the egg from the ovaries and firming up the cervical mucus, making it more difficult for sperm to enter.

What is the best way to use this NuvaRing?

Buy NuvaRing online as an easy to use, safe, and convenient from website. It is also known as a Vaginal ring. It improves sexual lives by making them feel more spontaneous. Many women who used this contraceptive ring observed that their periods were more frequent, lighter, and shorter. If you forget to put the ring on, you're likely to become pregnant. The device works similarly to birth control or pregnancy prevention pills in that it prevents pregnancy by releasing hormones into your body. NuvaRing online is a type of intrauterine spherical shape apparatus used as a preventative measure to avoid pregnancy. Because the ring is flexible, it can be easily inserted into the vaginal canal.

Wash the region well before inserting the ring into the vaginal canal. In the total process, you must be hygienic. While repairing the ring, you may experience some little bleeding. It is, however, optional for those who have previously used birth control or contraceptive supplements.

Preventive Therapy:

It's important to note that NuvaRing is a pregnancy prevention device, not an abortion device. Please slowly tighten the ring and remove it without difficulty. To install or remove the ring, do not use any device.

Side Effects:

It has no adverse effects, although it is necessary to maintain a precise position when replacing the gadgets.


Place the ring container in a safe and secure location that is completely within your contact zone. Dispose of the used ring in a secure location. Allow no interaction with your children.

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