


Careprost / Lumigan / Latisse are in a liquid form of drugs prescribed to treat two different eye disorder called hypotrichosis and glaucoma. Hypotrichosis is a kind of short eyelashes; whereas, glaucoma arises due to excessive stress and lack of fluid in the eyes. Online cheap Careprost found laden with bimatoprost, which is accountable to ease both the conditions. Along with the boost, density, and thickness of the eyelid, you can also use it to treat ocular hypertension issue.It attracts and retains the customer due to its positive effect, lowest price and easily accessible on the site called

Manufacturer: Zydus Healthcare

Availability: In Stock

Rating: ★★★★★★★★★★ 3 Reviews / Write a review

Careprost 0.03%w/v 3ml

No of Units Price / Unit Price Free Bonus  
1 Eye Drops $30.00 $30.00 -
2 Eye Drops (With Brush) $28.00 $56.00 -
3 Eye Drops (With Brush) $27.00 $81.00 -
5 Eye Drops (With Brush) $24.00 $120.00 -
6 Eye Drops (With Brush) $23.00 $138.00 -
7 Eye Drops (With Brush) $22.00 $154.00 -
10 Eye Drops (With Brush) $21.50 $215.00 + 1 Eyr Drop Free
12 Eye Drops (With Brush) $21.00 $252.00 + 1 Eyr Drop Free
15 Eye Drops (With Brush) $20.00 $300.00 + 1 Eyr Drop Free
20 Eye Drops (With Brush) $19.00 $380.00 + 2 Eye Drop Free
20 Eye Drops (With Brush) $19.00 $380.00 + 2 Eye Drop Free
No of Units Price  
1 Eye Drops - $30.00
2 Eye Drops (With Brush) - $56.00
3 Eye Drops (With Brush) - $81.00
5 Eye Drops (With Brush) - $120.00
6 Eye Drops (With Brush) - $138.00
7 Eye Drops (With Brush) - $154.00
10 Eye Drops (With Brush) + 1 Eyr Drop Free $215.00
12 Eye Drops (With Brush) + 1 Eyr Drop Free $252.00
15 Eye Drops (With Brush) + 1 Eyr Drop Free $300.00
20 Eye Drops (With Brush) + 2 Eye Drop Free $380.00
20 Eye Drops (With Brush) + 2 Eye Drop Free $380.00


Careprost is an ophthalmic solution launched to boost the eyelashes, density and its thickness.Besides, it is also prescribed to improve the fluid level of the eye results comfort in glaucoma. To treat ocular hypertension issue, drop supposed to be exerted into the eyes and opposite to the eyelid when used to treat Hypotrichosis.

Dosage description

A one drop of careprost eye drops online on an eyelid, works effectively to boost the eyelashes. You need to apply it only over the upper eyelid hair, do not apply it beneath the eyelid.Repeat the same procedure for the next eyes.Exert it once a day; you can see the effect in 2 months and 4 months to get the desired result. Use the liquid persistently, does not stop in between; since it may lead to turning the condition in a normal phase.You perhaps get the eyelashes in the previous form.

If, you are using it to treat glaucoma problem, apply it twice a day or as it has been prescribed. It is a sort of eye disorders, which augments the risk of optic nerve damages and results in vision loss.It’s the soonest treatment is mandatory to be done to prevent this risk.Excessive smoking; lack of fluid in the body, over medication, etc. are some most seen factors, which leads to cause glaucoma issue.

Prevention therapy

Wash the eyes before applying; wipe the spreading fluid with the cotton. Remove the placed lens before applying. Do not use the solution in higher or lower amount or more frequent then it’s prescribed. Exert it as it has been directed; use it in a month once unlocked.


  1. Parched eyes
  2. Unclear vision
  3. The sensation of eye burns
  4. Dark eyelashes
  5. Sensation of itching
  6. Conjunctive edema
  7. Conjunctivitis
  8. Water discharge from the eye
  9. The occurrence of pigment in the iris

Storage: Place the solution in the freeze.

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