It is completely safe to make the use of the
Pregnancy test
Home pregnancy tests are the one which is being used by most of the women. The home test is the one which is not accurate and hence women are asked to make the use of the ultrasound test. It is not enough to confirm the pregnancy, but also one must know about the gestation period. Knowing the gestation period helps one to know the exact location of the fetus and helps to end the pregnancy
Traveling after process
Women are asked to avoid traveling after having the medical abortion process. In case if you have an abortion with the help of pills then do make sure that you have even avoided operating vehicles. After the use of MTP kit, it is possible that women have to experience heavy bleeding and hence it is recommended that women do avoid traveling.
The process to use MTP kit
While for MTP kit women need to make sure that they do use the pills as prescribed to them. The following process can be followed to have a successful abortion.
Mifepristone is the first pill that is used and this termination pill works the best so that it becomes easy to dispel the fetus from the body. When these pills are used the ant-progesterone elements from these pills work so that the fetus can get dispelled from the uterus. After making the use of this med it is common for women to experience bleeding.
Misoprostol is the secondary pill from the MTP kit and this pill from this kit is the one that helps to end the pregnancy. Women who make the use of the MTP kit can come across that the 4 pills from this kit are used to end the pregnancy. The pills from this kit are to be administrated in cheek pouches or vaginally and when these pills dissolve, they do cause contraction due to which the fetus gets dissolved.
When women do order online MTP kit they are asked to follow certain precautions.
- Women need to avoid the consumption of alcohol as this interacts with the MTP kit and results in side effects.
- While women are on these Abortion Pills, they must avoid the use of the meds which interact and results in side effects.
- Women need to make sure that they do strictly avoid performing any of the physical activities or sexual activities.
- Also, the consumption of grapefruit juice is to be avoided as this interacts and results in side effects.