Things you need to know about post-abortion stress

Post-abortion is one of the abortion issues which everyone can face in the whole process of abortion. Hence, you are advised that before you prefer to have a termination, you do consider all the aspects which can have an effect on your termination. 
It is necessary that you do take care of yourself and stay motivated to recover soon from the abortion.

What is the stress faced during post abortion?

Women who do have an abortion feel the guilt and this is one of the common feelings which most of the women feel. The sadness, anger, and nervousness about the process are known as stress after an abortion and this affects the women. There are women who think a lot but end up having a termination and this makes them feel the loss towards something important and this makes them numb and also have an effect on mental health.

What are the symptoms that indicate post-abortion stress?

  • Sorrow
  • Guilt
  • Being numb
  • Depression 
  • Shame
  • Anxiety
  • Struggle with intimacy
  • Self-destruction and increased intake of alcohol

Apart from this symptom woman can also become the victim of eating disorder or can even harm herself.

Does every woman who has termination face this problem?

Every woman has a different feeling towards the abortion and not every woman feels the stress. Instead, the studies have concluded that those women who buy abortion pills to have a termination feel relieved after having a termination. 

When you administrate Mifepristone and Misoprostol this pill causes a hormonal change in your body and this leads to complete abortion process within a week or two. 

Every woman doesn’t feel the guilt about terminating the pregnancy but it is because of the humiliation from the society which degrades the women having a termination. It is people those who are around you causes the post-abortion stress.

How to get relieved from the stress of the post-abortion?

Discuss with your partner or your friend:

Talking to someone your trust is one of the best and effective solutions which can help you come out of the depressive situation.  When you talk to someone whom you trust all the thoughts in your mind come out easily.

Pamper yourself:

According to the studies, it is found that those women who adopted their hobbies during abortion helped them to come up from this post-abortion stress. This helps to keep all the negative thoughts away from you. You can simply go for shopping or can just play with your pets.

Seek advice from an expert:

If you feel that you are unable to control your emotions, then you can seek help from your healthcare provider so that you can recover soon.

There are many other techniques which can help you to heal from the abortion process. The above mentioned are the effective ones which have helped many of the women during the phase of post-abortion. If you give a call back that why did you have an abortion and what consequences would have affected you if you continued then you may realize that the decision you made was a wise one.

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