Which One Is The Best - Viagra, Cialis And Levitra

When it comes to treating the problem of erectile dysfunction then you will find three medicine coming to the picture that are best known for this work. The medicine are Viagra, Cialis or levitra. All these three medicine are able to treat the problem of erectile dysfunction, which is also known as male impotence. But if you have to choose one out of this three then it will be quite difficult work, as there is no simple and full proof answer to this question. You will find many men find one treatment working better for them and some find other treatment the best.

No doubt, that there are more than these three medicine that treats the problem of erectile dysfunction, but when you check the effectiveness of these three medicines and the record history then you will find that all of them have shown good sign of effectiveness to men who have taken it and have proved to be treating the problem of erectile dysfunction completely and in a faster rate when compared to other erectile dysfunction medications.

Let us compare all the three medicine which treat the problem of erectile dysfunction and choose best one out of them:

1. Viagra:

Viagra is one of the most used medicine to treat the problem of erectile dysfunction. It is one of the most well-known medicine out of the three from around 15 years. It does have a lot of effects as well as side effects. You can find that it becomes effective from within an hour of taking it. But remember to take this medicine on an empty stomach and it has to be taken once in a day. The effect of this medicine will last for five to six hours. It is one of the best treatment for erectile dysfunction that is very effective as well as have less side effects.

It was developed and originally marketed by one of the well known company Pfizer. It was the only company, who was allowed to sell Viagra until 2013. After 2013, the market to produce and sell Viagra was open for others companies as well. The generic name given to Viagra was Sildenafil, which is its main active ingredient, rather than its brand name Viagra.

As mentioned above, the active ingredient of Viagra is sildenafil citrate. And there are many versions of this medicine, which have come to the market that are cheaper than this and are as effective as the original one. Let us now see the details of other two medicine which gives a tough call to Viagra.

2. Levitra:

The active ingredient for this medicine is also sildenafil citrate and it also last for about same duration as Viagra that is five to six hours. The main difference between both of them is that levitra is less affected by the alcohol or the high fat food that might be taken before having this medicine. Because of this factor, alot of men are considering to buy levitra and use it as a way of treatment for erectile dysfunction. Reports have shown that levitra is more effective to the men who have diabetes rather than any of the erectile dysfunction medicines available in the market.

3 . Cialis:

Researches have shown that Cialis is one of the most powerful medicine for erectile dysfunction. It last much longer than those for levitra or Viagra that is up to 36 hours. Because of less planning involvement, you will find a lot of men are preferring Cialis instead of Viagra or levitra. One of the downside of this medicine is that if you experience any kind of side effects, then that is also going to last for longer too. Cialis is also not affected by the food and the alcohol that much, just like levitra. But alcohol can be a factor to decrease the effects of this medicine for a last long experience.

Which one is best for me - Viagra, Cialis or levitra:

As mentioned above, it is very difficult to tell which one is the best, until you give it a try one by one. There are different problems which give rise to erectile dysfunction, so it is obvious that different people may benefit from different treatments related to erectile dysfunction. It has been observed that such type of medicine doesn't show any result, when it is tried for the first time. It is recommended that you should give this type of medicine eight times try, so that if it doesn't work for any of the time then you can consider it that this particular medication will not work for you at all.

As the body takes time to get used to such medicines, which will be responsible to treat the problem of erectile dysfunction. If you haven't gave any of these medicines a try, then it is recommended that you initially try all the three erectile dysfunction medication, only when your doctor has prescribed it for you. Try all of them one by one for eight times and see which one works for you. You also get starter pack for all the three medicines that is Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. So that it will be easy for you to try all of them as well as don't waste your money buying the full kit at initial stage.

These medicines are quite safe to buy online as well. There are a lot of online pharmacy that sell original version of this medicine. But buy from a pharmacy online store which ask for prescription, as you can be sure about their medicine's quality and you don't have to face any type of side effects from them.

Try these medicines and see by yourself, which medicines are able to suit your needs and is able to cure the erectile dysfunction problem. But it is recommended that you first consult you doctor and then give it a try. As these medicines can show a sign of side effects as well, if it doesn't suits you at all.

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