Kamagra Fizz Is The Best Medication To Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Tired of being unable to get an erection? Cursing god knows what for the condition you are in?

Erectile dysfunction can bring about several demoralizing thoughts and questions if you just sit and do nothing about it. You do not need a miracle or unnecessary sobbing to be able to spring back in action, and blaming god for it, simply won’t work.

What do you need?

What you need desperately is the knowledge of what is your condition all about. Once you know what erectile dysfunction actually is, you may be able to sob less and start working towards correcting the problem at hand. Erectile dysfunction is a condition in which your penis loses its ability to stand strong when you are sexually stimulated. We know you know that already, this is what we think you don’t know.

An erection is caused, when a person is sexually aroused. On being sexually aroused the blood flow in the body increases. This blood starts gushing through every vein in your body, even the ones in your penis. This flow of blood is locked in the fallopian tubes in the p.e.n.i.s. This action causes the penis, ‘your penis’ to increase in shape and side, and getting erect from its flaccid state. When all of this happens you get a hard-on, or what you call a boner, with which you can pump her to the moon and back, without needing a boarding pass.

Looks fun right? Read on for some more fun

So when you are actually there with her, or them and getting sexually aroused for the main event. When the blood in your body starts racing through your veins. When the blood rushing through your veins DOES NOT reach your p.e.n.i.s. And when the blood that didn’t reach your penis, does not get filled in the fallopian tubes. When your penis does not go from being flaccid to a giant NASA shuttle ready to take-off, is when you have a condition called erectile dysfunction.

It’s not your fault that you have to deal with erectile dysfunction, Maybe it is  

Unlike all the bad things that happen to you out of sheer bad luck, the causes of erectile dysfunction are not based on chance. You can fall prey to erectile dysfunction if you smoke cigarettes, drink, snort, pop or roll (you know what we are talking about). If you don’t, it’s good on you. But if you do, you better stop doing it – for the sake of your penis!

How else can you get erectile dysfunction?

That’s not all; you can also get erectile dysfunction from factors like stress, mental and physical. Factors like personal issues, low self-image, lack of confidence, anxiety, depression, and factors of that nature occupy your mind. You can also suffer from the problem of erectile dysfunction if you have been diagnosed with problems like blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, kidney problems, damages penile arteries, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Certain medications that you use or have used in the past to treat a certain condition may bring about the problem of erectile dysfunction in men. You may also experience erectile dysfunction due to certain injuries, and organ removal surgeries. These kinds of surgeries fill the mind with depression and kill your desire to indulge in sex.

“It’s like you’re in bed with your woman doing things, but your mind is occupied with something else. Something that is deeply bothering you. When that happens you ain’t getting a Boner! Naa ah!”

It can be anything, right from a repressed problem, or a tiff you had with your woman. It could even be from the fight you had with your boss at work.

So Your life is Doomed? HELL NO!

Maximum cases of erectile dysfunction are treatable, and one suffering from it can get back to reg

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