Reschedule Your Menstruation Cycle With Primolut N

What if your periods are about to occur at odd times say honeymoon, holidays, religious festivals or any other important occasions that you do not want to miss out on. Primolut N is drug that helps women postpone their menstrual cycle by making use of the correct dosage of the medicine. This tablet contains a hormonal product named norethisterone that is similar to the progesterone hormone in females. The active ingredient norethisterone is transformed to oestrogen, however an important point that needs to considered about Primolut N is that it should not be used as a Contraceptive pill for birth control.

The main purpose of Primolut N is to treat women experiencing irregular menstrual cycles with continuous bleeding or heavy bleeding without any identify reason. It can as well be used for treating females who lack menstrual bleeding and any other premenstrual complaints in women. If you are women who a victim of endometriosis which is a disorder is caused because of the growth of womb lining tissue outside the womb then you can use Primolut N to treat it. The effectiveness of Primolut N could be at stake in case you do not take the medicine in prescribed dosage and at prescribed time intervals.

Having understood the uses of Primolut N there are certain precautionary measures which ought to be followed before you start your first dosage of Primolut N:

  • Usage of Primolut N is strict no for women who are about to conceive or who doubt that they might be pregnant. The reason being the dosage of Primolut N can cause harm to the developing baby in your womb.
  • If you have recently conceived and your baby is still breastfeeding then Primolut N is a big no for you because the active ingredient norethisterone passes through the breast milk and there is a possibility that your child might get affected due to the usage of this medicine.
  • If you have ever experienced a blood clot in your heart, lungs brain or the blood vessels of the legs then Primolut N is a big no for you.
  • If you are an aged women or a chain smoker then it is suggested that you do not take Primolut N as it can increase the probability of a stroke or heart attack.
  • If you have ever had a miscarriage, breast disease, migraine problem then under such prevailing conditions also Primolut N is not suggested by Gynecologists.
  • If you feel that you are prone to the risk of blood clots then it is better to stay miles away from Primolut N because it can probably lead to serious permanent disabilities which you could have never thought of.
  • Last but not the least; keep Primolut N miles away from children as it cause severe side effects unfortunately without your consent.

Thus a smart decision before you begin your dosage with Primolut N is to consult a specialized gynecologist and discuss your medical history so that he or she can advice you if you can go ahead with the usage of Primolut N to delay your menstrual cycles.

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