After an Abortion, it is not easy to do exercise and the women will face some pain as well. Abortion i.e. pregnancy termination is now a common procedure because, at one point or another, some women do undergo this situation in their lives. There will be some political oppression and social pressures. Sometimes women will feel alone and afraid after the process of abortion, the time when she purchase Abortion pills online. At this time, they need more support from us.
Exercise Methods
Understand that we are not alone
First, we must understand that we are not only the person who is undergoing abortion. Most of the surveys report that a woman will end early pregnancy at home till the age of 45. The average lifetime of an abortion is one per woman.
Realize Abortion is a challenging experience
Abortion is a challenging experience both mentally and physically and we need to heal all the levels as fast as possible, we can take off from our work or school.
Healing our Body
We need to avoid intense exercise for a week after the abortion. We can go for a walk or we can do yoga which makes you feel motivated and will get more energy from it. When doing yoga, avoid inversions which put more strain on your body.
Don’t have physical relations after an abortion
Do not have physical relations or insert anything into your vagina for a week, until your healthcare expert says to do so. After an abortion, the pain will reside in the vagina.
Nausea medicines
The salty crackers and ginger tea can soothe the nausea. We can eat fresh meals and avoid fatty foods or sugary foods. If you are losing lots of blood, you must include vitamin C-rich foods such as orange juice and tomatoes. By having these foods, we will have the ability to build the blood.
Take Rest
It is better to sleep for 12 hours a night to make your body healthier. By doing this, we are healing our pain in the body.
Place heating pad
Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on the back with the help of your loved ones and it will make you feel more comfortable.
Good partner or massage therapist
We need a good partner or a massage therapist to massage our belly and lower back with soothing oils. Whole body massage or foot massage can do wonders for our nerves.
Emotions Healing
Find someone whom you can trust confidently in all your decisions and the persons you will feel safer around. The person will be a good listener and will be able to make a good choice. Sometimes we will know the people who had abortions or the ones who have supported us all the time. If we don’t feel comfortable in any circles, then there are other resources like Exhale, which is an after-abortion counselling talk line.
Treat yourself to funny movies and books which make you laugh and feel at ease. Never distract the feelings, completely, because it may fail to get back to your life. Always spend more time with your loved ones or your best friends. It is better to cry as much as we can and never judge the feelings.
Art Work
Try to draw or paint something which makes you creative and it gives you more confidence in your life.
Talk More
We can use the recorder for taping our talking or we can use iPhone apps which are used these days.
Get support from partners
When we are in a relationship, the partner may be in a tough periods. Sometimes he may not be good at his feelings and may not know how to give help. At that time ask what he needs and tell how he can support you. He will feel much better and become more confident and emotional. It will be good if he can buy a heating pad and rub it on your back to get Comfort. If your partner is not willing to support you or he is not willing to give any support, then it is better to take some space from him and seek the support of your friends who can be true in their approach.
Guidance Seek
If you feel motivated, then seek guidance from counsellors or mentors where you feel more comfortable with your religious traditions. When choosing individual people be careful to choose the one who can treat with compassion and not with judgement.